In RFC1958 "Architectural principles of the
Internet", Brian Carpenter states that : Endpoints
should not depend on the confidentiality or
integrity of the carriers. Carriers may choose to
provide some level of protection, but this is
secondary to the primary responsibility of the end
users to protect themselves. Several cyber-security
incidents showed that end users are not always able
to implement the stated responsibility. Also,
end-user availability is increasingly being affected
by cyber attacks such as (D)DoS attacks. All such
events justify the question if the statement
regarding the expected protection of carriers,
should be revisited, in particular when answering
the question what it means to allow carriers to
provide some level of protection. As the Internet is
constructed using many infrastructures from
different carriers, finding answers to such a
question is not trivial. Important research question
would be:
- What incentives would drive the need
to have carriers collaborate to provide
If such need can be identified,
important sub-questions are:
- What is needed to have carriers
and end user networks collaborate?
- How can carriers and end user
networks trust each other when
detecting incidents and providing
protective responses in an automated
- What are the best defence tactics
given the policies, motivations, costs,
benefits of the carriers and the
observations and capabilities of the
- How can Software Defined Networks and
enhanced observation techniques help to
mitigate attacks in a distributed

Questions are part of a Dutch research project,
headed by University of Amsterdam involving TNO,
Ciena and Air France - KLM, called "Security
Autonomous Response NETwork" (SARNET). This project
investigates how detection and protection concepts,
using SDN / NFV based technologies, can provide
autonomous protection against various types of cyber
attacks. Part of this research considers what it
would need to organize a SARNET as an alliance of
collaborating carrier and end user networks. This
working meeting will present and discuss the SARNET
concepts and will subsequently focus on the question
how to organize a SARNET Alliance, where
participating community partners form a Service
Provider Group creating the necessary trust enabling
collaboration [3]. The project consists of two
- Security
Autonomous Response with programmable
- Investigates questions on best ways to
provide autonomous responses to
cyber-security threats by automated security
state monitoring using software defined,
virtualized detection & defense
- 2 PhD students, programmer,
collaboration: Air France KLM, CIENA, TNO,
- Creating a
SARNET Alliance
- Investigates questions on how to organize
SARNET functionalities across multiple
Service Provider- and Enterprise Networks,
where each participant must trust other
participants to correctly detect and
mitigate cyber threats, whilst authorizing
each other to be involved.
- 1 PhD student, collaboration: Air France -
KLM, COMMIT, UvA CS + Legal faculty
The SARNET project is funded by the Dutch Science
Foundation in the Cyber Security Research program
(grant no: CYBSEC.14.003 / 618.001.016) and by the
Dutch project COMMIT (WP20.11). Special thanks go
to our research partners CIENA, TNO and KLM.
of the project:


FieldLab - KLM
- SURFnet - UvA first light Feb 2, 2017 |
enabled by CIENA photonics |
OpenLab @ UvA
CIENA 8700 & photonics |



- Leon Gommans, John Vollbrecht, Betty Gommans
- de Bruijn, Cees de Laat, "The Service Provider
Group Framework; A framework for arranging trust
and power to facilitate authorization of network
services.", Future Generation Computer Systems,
June 2014
- Leon Gommans, "Multi-Domain Authorization for
e-Infrastructures", UvA, Dec 2014.
- Internet2 2012 session: "Trust Framework for
Multi-Domain Authorization".
- speakers: Leon Gommans , John Vollbrecht, chair: Cees de Laat.
Closing event: workshop
June 21, 2019:
On the subject of adaptive cyber security the
SARNET project organizes a workshop where it
presents its final R&D results as well
as an outlook on digital technologies that enforce
lawfull transactions that are enabled by adaptive
cyber security. The project SARNET "Security
Autonomous Response NETwork" is headed by
University of Amsterdam with contributions of TNO,
Ciena Networks and Air France - KLM.
We would like to invite you for the workshop
Collaborative Automated Management of Cyber
Threats and Attacks. The workshop will take place
on June 21st, 2019 in the afternoon (13:00 -
17:00) at Startup Village Science Park 608,
Amsterdam. It will be a well spent afternoon for
participants from businesses and science where new
cyber security and legal technologies are
introduced and can be discussed amongst peers.
About SARNET: the project investigates how threat
detection and automated, adaptive, protection
concepts can benefit from software defined
infrastructure technologies (e.g. SDN / NFV). Part
of this research considers what it would need to
organize a SARNET as an alliance of collaborating
service providers and enterprise networks.
12:45 |
Welcome reception |
13:00 |
slides |
Welcome by Leon Gommans & Cees de
Laat: SARNET: Secure Autonomous Response
Networks." |
13:15 |
slides |
Ameneh Deljoo: "SARNET Alliance." |
13:45 |
slides |
Ralph Koning: "Automated security using
13:15 |
slides |
Gleb Polevoy: "Tactical Level in SARNET -
Overview and Transitions between
Equilibria/" |
14:45 |
Break |
15:15 |
slides |
Kees Nieuwenhuis (Thales): "About our
interest in SARNET." |
15:25 |
Rodney Wilson (Ciena): "SARnet Impact -
Ciena perspective." |
15:35 |
Tako Huisman (KLM): "Perspective from
15:45 |
Panel: Kees Nieuwenhuis (Thales), Rodney
Wilson (CIENA), Tako Huisman (KLM),
moderated by Cees de Laat on:
"What is the impact of the results of
SARNET on the cyber security aspects in
industry?" |
16:00 |
Closing keynote presentation - Jaya
Baloo, CISO KPN: "Dutch Continuity Board:
Protecting The Netherlands against DDoS
attacks" |
16:30 |
Network & Drinks |
17:30 |
End programme |
2021-01-20 |
PhD defense by Ameneh Deljoo,
"Computational Trust Models for Collaborative
Network Orchestration". UvA, Jan 2021.
2020-02-05 |
PhD defence by Ralph Koning,
"Automating Network Security", UvA, Feb 2020. |
2019-10-23 |
Paper: A. Deljoo, R. Koning, T. van Engers, L.
Gommans, and C. de Laat. "Managing Effective
Collaboration in Cyber-security Alliances Using
Social Computational Trust". In: 2019 3rd Cyber
Security in Networking Conference (CSNet) (CSNet’19)
[accepted]. IEEE. Quito, Ecuador, Oct. 2019. |
Paper: R. Koning, A. Deljoo, L. Meijer, C. de
Laat, and P. Grosso "Trust-based Collaborative
Defences in Multi Network Alliances" [50], in 2019
3rd Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet)
(CSNet’19) [accepted], |
2019-10-11 |
Presentation by Cees de Laat: Department of
Computer Science, AGH University of Science and
Technology Krakow: "ICT to support the
transformation of Science in the Roaring
Twenties." |
Paper: R. Koning, G. Polevoy, L. Meijer, C. de
Laat, and P. Grosso "Approaches for Collaborative
Security Defences in Multi Network Environments"
[51], in 2019 6th IEEE International Conference on
Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/ 2019
5th IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing
and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom), |
2019-06-21 |
Closing workshop @ UvA: "SARNET: Secure Autonomous
Response Networks". |
2019-03-20 |
Poster by Ameneh Deljoo in SIKS poster session at
2019: "Social Computational Trust Model
(SCTM): A Framework to Facilitate the Selection of
Partners" |
2019-03-20 |
Presentation by Ameneh Deljoo in Data Sharing
session at ICT.OPEN
2019: "Social Computational Trust Model
(SCTM): A Framework to Facilitate the Selection of
Partners" |
2018-12-16 |
Paper: Gleb Polevoy, Stojan Trajanovski, Paola
Grosso and Cees de Laat, "Removing Undesirable Flows
by Edge Deletion.", COCOA'2018 conference, December
15 - 17, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
Springer-Verlag. |
2018-12-16 |
Presentation by Gleb Polevoy at the COCOA'2018
conference, December 15 - 17, 2018, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA: "Removing Undesirable Flows by Edge
Deletion." |
2018-11-11 |
Presentation by Cees de Laat on behalf of Ameneh
Deljoo at the INDIS
workshop SC18, Dallas (TX): "Social
Computational Trust Model (SCTM): A Framework to
Facilitate the Selection of Partners" |
2018-11-11 |
Paper: Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon
Gommans, Cees de Laat, "Social Computational Trust
Model (SCTM): A Framework to Facilitate Selection of
Partners". In: Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/ACM
Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science
(INDIS), Dallas, TX, USA, 2018, pp. 45-54. doi:
10.1109/INDIS.2018.00008. IEEE. |
2018-11-02 |
Poster by Gleb Polevoy at the LGTC'2018
conference, Lancaster Game Theory Conference:
"Solutions to Games, Transitions and Efficiency",
November 2 - 3, 2018, Lancaster, UK. |
2018-09-10 |
Paper: R. Koning, B. de Graaff, G. Polevoy, R.
Meijer, C. de Laat, P. Grosso, "Measuring the
efficiency of SDN mitigations against attacks on
computer infrastructures", Future Generation
Computer Systems 91, 144-156. |
2018-08-01 |
Presentation: Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Ralph
Koning, Leon Gommans and Cees de Laat, "Towards
Trustworthy Information Sharing by Creating Cyber
Security Alliances", Proceedings of 2018 17th IEEE
International Conference On Trust, Security And
Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE
International Conference On Big Data Science And
Engineering (IEEE
TrustCom-18). |
2018-08-01 |
Paper: Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Ralph
Koning, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, "Towards
trustworthy information sharing by creating cyber
security alliances". In: Proceedings of 2018 17th
IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And
Privacy In Computing And Communications/12th IEEE
International Conference On Big Data Science And
Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). IEEE. 2018, pp.
1506-1510. |
2018-07-16 |
Presentation by Gleb Polevoy at the SING'2018
conference (European Meeting on Game Theory):
"Solutions to Games, Transitions and Efficiency",
July 16 - 18 July, 2018, Bayreuth, Germany |
2018-07-13 |
by Ameneh Deljoo at the IFIP
International Conference on Trust Management:
"The Impact of Competence and Benevolence in a
Computational Model of Trust." |
2018-07-13 |
Paper: Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon
Gommans, Cees de Laat, "The impact of competence and
benevolence in a computational model of trust". In:
Proceedings of IFIP International Conference on
Trust Management. Springer. 2018, pp. 45-57. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95276-5 |
2018-08-01 |
Presentation by Tom van Engers on behalf of Ameneh
Deljoo at The 17th IEEE International Conference On
Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And
Communications (IEEE
TrustCom-18): "Towards Trustworthy Information
Sharing by Creating Cyber Security Alliances". |
2018-08-01 |
Paper: Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Ralph
Koning, Leon Gommans and Cees de Laat, "Towards
Trustworthy Information Sharing by Creating Cyber
Security Alliances", Proceedings of 2018 17th IEEE
International Conference On Trust, Security And
Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE
International Conference On Big Data Science And
Engineering (IEEE
TrustCom-18). |
2018-06-01 |
SARNET progress meeting Amsterdam presentations. |
2018-05-10 |
Paper: Leonardo Ochoa-Aday, Cristina
Cervelló-Pastor, Adriana Fernández-Fernández and
Paola Grosso 2"An Online Algorithm for Dynamic NFV
Placement in Cloud-Based Autonomous Response
Networks", Symmetry 2018, 10, 163;
doi:10.3390/sym10050163, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry. |
2018-03-08 |
Presentation by Cees de Laat: University of South
California, Information Sciences Institute
colloquium: Secure Cyber Infrastructure for Valuable
Big Data Processing! The Global Big Data Hub
infrastructure inspired by PRP. |
2018-02-01 |
Paper: Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Robert van
Doesburg, Leon Gommans and Cees de Laat, "A
Normative Agent-based Model for Sharing Data in
Secure Trustworthy Digital Market Places.",
Proceedings of 10th conference on Agents and
Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2018,
http://www.icaart.org/Home.aspx |
2018-01-18 |
Presentation by Ralph Koning at EU-SWITCH workshop
Time critical applications and infrastructure
optimization: "Measuring the Efficiency of SDN
mitigations against cyber attacks" |
2017-12-16 |
Paper: Gleb Polevoy, Stojan Trajanovski, Paola
Grosso and Cees de Laat, "Filtering Undesirable
Flows in Networks.", The 11th Annual International
Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and
Applications (COCOA'17), December 16-18, 2017,
Shanghai, China, Springer. |
2017-12-16 |
Presentation: Gleb Polevoy, Stojan Trajanovski,
Paola Grosso and Cees de Laat, "Filtering
Undesirable Flows in Networks.", The 11th Annual
International Conference on Combinatorial
Optimization and Applications (COCOA'17), December
16-18, 2017, Shanghai, China. |
2017-12-08 |
AirFrance/KLM-Amsterdam, 2nd SARNET workshop:
"Autonomous Management of Cyber Threats and
Attacks." |
2017-11-12 |
SC17 demo:
Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff, Paola Grosso, Robert
Meijer, Cees de Laat, "Multi-Domain Autonomous
mitigation of Cyber Attacks.", Demonstration at
Ciena booth #1281 |
2017-11-12 |
SC17 poster:
Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff, Paola Grosso, Robert
Meijer, Cees de Laat, "Multi-Domain Autonomous
mitigation of Cyber Attacks" |
2017-11-12 |
SC17 poster:
Ralph Koning, Nick Buraglio, Paola Grosso, Cees de
Laat, "Coreflow: Enriching security events for
improved attack analysis." |
2017-11-12 |
SC17 workshop
INDIS by Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff, Robert
Meijer, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso: "Measuring the
effectiveness of SDN mitigations against cyber
attacks" |
2017-11-12 |
Presentation at
INDIS by Ralph Koning: "Measuring the
effectiveness of SDN mitigations against cyber
attacks" |
2017-10-17 |
Lightning talk @ Internet2 TechEx, San Francisco:
"Data Logistics for Logistic Data, Moving from
Internet Exchanges to Data Exchanges." |
2017-10-16 |
Presentation & demo @ Internet2 TechEx, San
Francisco by Marc Lyonnais, Gauravdeep Shami, Cees
de Laat: "SARNET: Secure Autonomous Response
Networks". |
2017-10-05 |
Presentation at Big-Data
congress TNO by Ameneh Deljoo, Seats2Meet,
Utrecht: "Secure Trustworthy Digital Market Places
(STDMPs)." |
2017-10-04 |
Presentation at dcypher
congress, MediaPlaza Utrecht (NL): "Secure Big
Data Processing." |
Industrial event: The Air Force Information
Technology & Cyberpower Conference, August 28-30
2017, Montgomery, Alabama USA |
2017-08-08 |
Presentation for the National Research Platform,
Bozeman (MT), USA: "Global Collaborative Research
Groups (CRGs); The Dutch Big Data Hub infrastructure
inspired by PRP as model for European Open Science
Cloud". |
Industrial event: TechNet Augusta, August 7-11
2017 Augusta, Georgia USA |
2017-07-03 |
Presentation: Ralph Koning at IEEE Conference on
Network Softwarization (Netsoft 2017 - SNS 2017),
Bologna, Italy, "Measuring the effectiveness of SDN
mitigations against cyber attacks". |
2017-06-23 |
Data Logistics 4 Logistics Data project approved
by NWO, June 23, 2017. Here the NWO Dutch
press release. |
2017-06-16 |
SARNET progress session June 16, 2017. |
Industrial event: Defensive Cyber Operations
Symposium (DISA) June 13-15 2017, Baltimore,
Maryland USA |
Short paper: Nick Buraglio, Ralph Koning, Cees de
Laat, Paola Grosso, "Enriching network and security
events for event detection", Conference proceedings
TNC2017, https://tnc17.geant.org/core/presentation/30.
Presentation at TNC2017 "Securing
the Infrastructure" session by Nick Burlagio,
ESnet on: "Enriching network and security events for
event detection". |
Paper: Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff, Robert Meijer,
Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, "Measuring the
effectiveness of SDN mitigations against cyber
attacks", IEEE Conference on Network
Softwarization (Netsoft 2017 - SNS 2017), Bologna,
Italy, July 3-7, 2017. |
Industrial event: Enterprise Innovation Symposium
May 3-4, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia USA |
2017-04-25 |
Session organized by Cees de Laat (chair), Rodney
Wilson and Leon Gommans at Internet2 Summit,
Washington, April 25 2017; "Distributed Big Data
Assets Sharing & Processing." |
Industrial event: NATO Industry Conference &
TechNet International (NITEC) 2017, 24-26 April,
Ottawa, Ontario Canada |
2017-04-10 |
Paper: Ralph Koning, Nick Buraglio, Cees de Laat,
Paola Grosso, "CoreFlow: Enriching Bro security
events using network traffic monitoring data.",
Special section on high-performance networking for
distributed data-intensive science, SC16", Future
Generation Computer Systems 79, 235-242. |
2017-03-22 |
Presentation @ ICT.OPEN by Ralph Koning:
"Determining the effectiveness of countermeasures
against cyber attacks." |
2017-03-22 |
Poster @ ICT.OPEN: Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff,
Robert Meijer, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso,
"Determining the effectiveness of countermeasures
against cyber attacks.". Won best poster
presentation award! |
2017-03-21 |
Invited talk: OSA Optical Fiber Communication
Conference and Exposition, 19-23 March 2017, Los
Angeles, California, session 16:30-18:30, Room
406AB, Tu3E - Networks Operating in Challenging
Environment: "Enabling E-Science Applications with
Dynamic Optical Networks: Secure Autonomous Response
Networks." |
Paper: R. Koning, A. Deljoo, S. Trajanovski, B. de
Graaff, P. Grosso, L. Gommans, T. van Engers, F.
Fransen, R. Meijer, R. Wilson, and C. de Laat,
"Enabling E-Science Applications with Dynamic
Optical Networks: Secure Autonomous Response
Networks", OSA Optical Fiber Communication
Conference and Exposition, 19-23 March 2017, Los
Angeles, California. https://doi.org/10.1364/OFC.2017.Tu3E.1
2017-02-24 |
Report from NWO/STW Workshop "ICT with Industry
2016" Lorenz Centre Leiden, Nov. 7-11th 2016; Prof.
dr. Tom M. van Engers (UvA), Prof. dr. Robert Meijer
(UvA, TNO), Dr. ing. Leon Gommans (Air France KLM
Group ICT Technology Office R&D, UvA), Dr. Kees
Nieuwenhuis (Thales Nederland B.V., CTO Office),
"Trusted Big Data Sharing for Aircraft MRO using a
Secure Digital Market Place mechanism." |
2017-02-23 |
Presentation by Cees de Laat at On*Vector
workshop, UCSD, San Diego, Feb 22-23, 2017, "Smart
and Secure Cyber Infrastructure." |
2017-02-22 |
Presentation: Leon Gommans: "Trusted Sharing of
Big Data Assets in Cooperative Working Groups",
On*Vector workshop, UCSD, San Diego, Feb 22-23,
2017. |
2017-02-21 |
Presentation: Leon Gommans: "Trusted Sharing of
Big Data Assets in Cooperative Working Groups", Pacific Research
Platform workshop, UCSD, San Diego, Feb 21,
2017. |
Presentation: Tom van Engers: "What is Going on:
Utility-based Plan Selection in BDI Agents", KnowProS
2017 workshop, AAAI-17, San Francisco feb 5,
Paper: Ameneh Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon Gommans
and Cees de Laat, "What is Going on: Utility-based
Plan Selection in BDI Agents", KnowProS
2017 workshop, AAAI-17, San Francisco feb 5,
2017. |
Poster @ JURIX
2016, 14-16 december 2016, Nice: Robert van
Doesburg and Tom van Engers, "Perspectives on
the Formal Representation of the Interpretation of
2016-12-08 |
workshop on Smart High-Performance Networks
"Towards a New Generation of Intelligent Networking
Infrastructure for Distributed Science Environment",
Rockville MD, USA, Keynote by Cees de Laat: "Smart
Networks and Smart Applications; where we are today,
role of SDN, emphasis on cross discipline
integration." |
2016-11-14 |
Presentation at Dutch
Research Consortium booth by Leon Gommans: Leon
Gommans, Ameneh Deljoo, Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff,
Tristan Suerink, Gerben van Malenstein, Axel Berg,
Erik Huizer, Rob Meijer, Tom van Engers, Cees de
Laat, "Trusted Big Data Sharing; Researching
alliances and infrastructure models across multiple
autonomous organizations". |
2016-11-14 |
SC16 poster:
Ameneh Deljoo, Leon Gommans, Ralph Koning, Tom van
Engers (UvA), Cees de Laat, "Simulating a SARNET
Alliance Using ABM". |
SC16 poster:
Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff, Paola Grosso, Robert
Meijer, Cees de Laat. "Autonomous mitigation of
Cyber Attacks".
SC16 poster:
Ralph Koning, Ameneh Deljoo, Robert Meijer, Leon
Gommans, Tom van Engers, Rodney Wilson, Cees de
Laat, "SARNET - Secure Autonomous Response
SC16 poster: Leon
Gommans, Ameneh Deljoo, Ralph Koning, Ben de Graaff,
Tristan Suerink, Paola Grosso, Gerben van
Malenstein, Axel Berg, Erik Huizer, Rob Meijer, Tom
van Engers, Cees de Laat, "Trusted Multidomain Big
Data Sharing using HPCN Researching the value of
future Internet capabilities".
2016-11-14 |
SC16 demo: SARNET
Autonomous Mitigation of Cyber Attacks. |
2016-11-13 |
Paper: Ralph Koning,
Nick Buraglio, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso,
"CoreFlow: Enriching Bro security events using
network traffic monitoring data", SC16 Salt Lake
workshop, Nov 13, 2016. |
2016-11-13 |
Presentation at SC16
Salt Lake City, INDIS
workshop by Ralph Koning: "CoreFlow Enriching
Bro security events using network traffic monitoring
data". |
2016-10-05 |
KLM-Amsterdam, SARNET workshop: "Autonomous
Management of Cyber Threats and Attacks." |
2016-10-04 |
Presentation at NWO stakeholdermeeting for Big
Data in logistics ", Utrecht, Leon Gommans: "Value
of Future Internet capabilities: Multi-domain (Big-)
Data Sharing Models". |
2016-10-03 |
Presentation at "Data
& City", City Hall, Amsterdam, Leon
Gommans: "Value of Future Internet capabilities:
Multi-domain Big Data Sharing Models". |
2016-09-20 |
Presentation at
"Complexity and Law workshop" at CCS16 Ameneh
Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat,
"Regulating Complex Adaptive Systems: Towards a
Computational Model for Simulating the Effects of
Rules". |
2016-09-19 |
Short paper: Ameneh
Deljoo, Tom van Engers, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat,
"Regulating Complex Adaptive Systems: Towards a
Computational Model for Simulating the Effects of
Rules", short paper to "Complexity and Law workshop"
at CCS16 (The Conference on Complex Systems 2016),
see http://www.ccs2016.org/. |
2016-08-24 |
Presentation by Ralph Koning at Lawrence Berkeley
National Lab for the ESNET team: "CoreFlow:
Enriching Bro security events using network traffic
monitoring data". |
2016-06-13 |
Presentation at KLM
and Poalo Alto Network company: Ameneh Deljoo,
"SARNET Alliance". |
2016-06-10 |
Paper: Ralph Koning,
Ben de Graaff, Cees de Laat, Robert Meijer, Paola
Grosso, "Analysis of Software Defined Networking
defences against Distributed Denial of Service
attacks", The IEEE International Workshop on
Security in Virtualized Networks (Sec-VirtNet 2016)
at the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Network
Softwarization (NetSoft 2016), Seoul Korea, June 10,
2016. |
2016-06-10 |
Presentation at
Sec-VirtNet at NetSoft, June 10 2016, Seoul: Ralph
Koning, Ben de Graaff, Cees de Laat, Robert Meijer,
Paola Grosso, "Interactive Analysis of SDN-driven
defence against Distributed Denial of Service
attacks". |
2016-04-22 |
Presentation at NWO
workshop "Big Data Small World" on April 22, 2016 in
the Amsterdam ArenA: Leon Gommans, "Organizing Trust
to enable Big Data Sharing". |
2016-04-15 |
Presentation at ADS
Coffee and Data Event at the VU on April 15, 2016:
Leon Gommans, "Smart Industry Future Internet: The
Fieldlab approach to explore its value". |
2016-02-24 |
Poster at the 8th
International Conference on Agents and Artificial
Intelligence ICAART
2016: Ameneh Deljoo, Leon Gommans, Tom van Engers,
Cees de Laat, "An Agent-Based Framework for
Multi-Domain service networks: Eduroam case study". |
2016-02-24 |
Paper: Ameneh Deljoo,
Leon Gommans, Tom van Engers, Cees de Laat, "An
Agent-Based Framework for Multi-Domain service
networks: Eduroam case study", In Proceedings of the
8th International Conference on Agents and
Artificial Intelligence ICAART
2016 - Volume 1, pages 275-280. |
ICT.Open Poster:
Ameneh Deljoo, Leon Gommans, Tom van Engers, Cees de
Laat, "An Agent-Based Framework for Multi-Domain
service networks: Eduroam case study".
2016-02-04 |
Position paper at NSF
Workshop on Software-defined Infrastructure and
Software-defined Exchanges, Feb 4-5,
Washington DC: Ameneh Deljoo, Leon Gommans, Cees de
Laat, "The Service Provider Group Framework.". |
2016-01-27 |
Position paper at NSF workshop
on Applications and Services in the year 2021,
Jan 27-27, Washington DC: Ameneh Deljoo, Leon
Gommans, Cees de Laat, "The Service Provider Group
Framework.". |
2016-01-14 |
Presentation at KLM
and CGI: Ameneh Deljoo, "Creating a SARNET Alliance
by applying the Service Provider Group Framework and
using the Ciena/GENI testbed". |
SC15 Poster: Ralph
Koning, Ameneh Deljoo, Robert Meijer, Leon Gommans,
Tom van Engers, Rodney Wilson, Cees de Laat, "SARNET
Secure Autonomous Response Networks".
SC15 Poster: Ralph
Koning, Ben de Graaff, Paola Grosso, Robert Meijer,
Cees de Laat, "Interactive Analysis of Cyber Defence
Mechanisms Against DDoS Attacks".
SC15 demo: SARNET
Interactive touchtable SDN demonstration: https://sarnet.uvalight.net
CineGrid 2015
workshop, UCSD, Qualcomm Institute, San Diego:
"SARNET: Security Autonomous Response with
programmable NETworks."
2015-10-16 |
Presentation at Pacific
Research Platform (PRP) workshop, UCSD,
Qualcomm Institute, San Diego: Leon Gommans,
"Researching Future Networking". |
Presentation at Pacific
Research Platform (PRP) workshop, UCSD,
Qualcomm Institute, San Diego: Cees de Laat,
"SARNET: Security Autonomous Response with
programmable NETworks."
2015-08-01 |
Presentation by dr.
Leon Gommans at KLM kennis session, "Applying the
Service Provider Group Framework to Future
Inter-Networking". |
Presentation at KLM,
Amsterdam (NL), knowledge session SARNET: Cees de
Laat, "Smart Cyber Infrastructure for Big Data
2015-07-01 |
Interview door
Leendert van der Ent met Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat
in IPN
I/O Magazine juni 2015, "Het netwerk als
zwaarddanser". |
2015-04-29 |
Session at I2 Global summit,
Washington, chaired by Cees de Laat: "Creating a
SARNET Alliance".
2015-02-01 |
Paper: Leon Gommans,
John Vollbrecht, Betty Gommans - de Bruijn, Cees de
Laat, "The Service Provider Group Framework; A
framework for arranging trust and power to
facilitate authorization of network services.",
Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.45, pp
176-192, Mar 2015. |
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