
UvA - FNWI - FEC - Facultair Ethische Commissie.

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This page explains the FEC committee process and required documentations.

Assessment framework for ethical issues.

Researchers who have been appointed at the Faculty of Science are expected

This charter allocates the primary responsibility for integrity in scientific practice and identifying ethical issues in research proposals at the researcher. To recognize and overcome ethical issues, researchers can seek advice and support from ethics committees. This guiding principle forms the basis for the assignment of duties and responsibilities to the FNWI ethics committee (FEC). The FEC thus only advises in cases in which the researcher is in doubt whether his/her research project complies with the ethical standards applicable for the field he/she is working in.

The workflow of the committee for notification, assessment and advise on research projects of staff and students will be based on peer review and will respect the following principles:

  1. The FEC does not perform reviews of theoretical, experimental and applied research proposals with, in the opinion of the investigator, have no impact for the integrity of subjects and objects of research (such as humans and animals), and have no social consequences for public safety, the environment and public health.
  2. The FEC does not examine aspects of research that are already examined under ethical legislation, such as the Medical Scientific Research Act (WMO) by a Medical Ethics Review Committee (METC), or the Animal Testing Act (WoD) by an Animal Experiments Commission (DEC) .
  3. The FEC does not examine research proposals that fall under a sectoral ethics committee (SEC), which may be set up by one or more institutes of the faculty. [2]
The following applies to all other cases.
  1. If a proposed research project may adversely affect personal or social integrity of persons or animals subject or object of the investigation, or if there can be far-reaching social consequences, the researcher or PI assesses the research proposal with the help of a checklist that can identify ethical issues.
  2. If after this test reasonable doubts remain as to whether the research proposal is acceptable from an ethical perspective, the FEC is informed. The FEC performs a review of the proposal, following the workflow set up by the commission.


Among other things, the committee has been commissioned to carry out, at the request of researchers and lecturers, assessments of research that could be susceptible to vulnerabilities of an ethical nature. The FEC advises authorities - institute and education directors, dean - who ultimately decide on admissibility or any measures to be taken.


The FEC consists of:


Please see the documentation for the description of the processes. If the case is not described, find a member of the committee and explain the situation.

Documentation for case evaluation


In all cases keep personal data under all circumstances encrypted, do not talk to others regarding vulnerabilities, and do not leak data or methods before the original problem can be solved in a reasonable time following procedures.

Previous committee members


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